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Real Wired Child by Michael Carr-Gregg
This book asks the question, who is raising our kids online?The internet has changed parenting forever. Michael Carr-Gregg provides an essential guide to the online world of today's real wired children, from toddlers to teenagers.
Our Price: $19.95

The internet has changed parenting forever, its time for parents to discover the delights and the dangers of the internet. Michael Carr-Gregg - a recognised  authority on teenage behaviour, provides an essential guide to the online world of today's real wired children, from toddlers to teenagers.

Venture into the online world and get in touch with children’s digital day-to-day lives. The author explains what kids get up to, provides guidelines for internet safety and advises how to minimise the risks without limiting children's freedom to learn, explore and communicate online.

Real Wired Child is a great resource to complement Stride Foundation's CyberS@vvy teacher training and student workshops.

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